Bird Wire Barriers

Lankové zábrany sú nenápadné a účinne bránia pristávaniu vtákov, nakoľko tenké lanká z nehrdzavejúcej ocele neposkytujú dostatočnú oporu vtákom na pristátie a sedenie na drôte.

Individual wires are fastened on the carrier rods and the correct strain is ensured by tension springs. The wire barriers enable adjustments of the wires to the protected area especially in case of the unevenness of the protected area surface.

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Bird wire barrier (carrier posts)

The bird wire barrier can consist of 1 to 12 wires stretched out between the carrier posts on the stainless-steel plates. It is suitable especially to protect window sills, gutters, and attics. It effectively protects open spaces and spaces closed on one side.

Bird wire barrier (carrier posts) with protection

This type of bird barrier consists of 2 to 14 wires stretched out between the bird wire carrier posts on the stainless-steel plates. The posts on the sides are double-headed (cca in the middle of the length of the post, there is a hole for the second wire), which makes it impossible for the birds to fly under the wires. It is suitable especially to protect window sills, gutters, and attics. It effectively protects open spaces and spaces closed on one side.

Bird wire barrier for tube

The gutter bird wire barrier consists of 1 to 5 wires stretched out between the bird wire carrier posts on the stainless-steel carrier belt. It is designed to specifically protect gutters and pipes. It effectively protects gutters and pipes with a diameter of 25 – 200 mm.

Bird wire barrier for tube with protection

The gutter bird wire barrier consists of 2 to 5 wires stretched out between the bird wire carrier posts on the stainless-steel carrier belt. The posts on the side are double-headed (cca in the middle of the length of the post, there is a slot for the second wire), which makes it impossible for the birds to fly under the wires. It is suitable especially to protect gutters and pipes with a diameter of 25 – 200 mm.

Roof ridge bird wire barrier

The roof ridge wire barrier prevents birds from landing on the roof ridge, which is a popular space, especially for pigeons. The barrier consists of 5 wires stretched out between the specifically shaped carrier brackets which are adjustable in length. The carrier brackets are fastened to the roof ridge.

Bird wire barrier against swallows

This barrier consists of 7 wires stretched out between carrier rods. It is suitable mainly for soffit protection. It effectively prevents swallows and whitetails from nesting in the protected space.

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