Electric Bird Barriers

Elektrický odpudzovač je veľmi spoľahlivá zábrana proti holubom, čajkám, vrabcom a iným vtákom.

An electric repeller is a very effective barrier against pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, and other birds.

It is suitable for various construction elements, such as roofs, gutters, window sills, or ledges. The electrical barriers repel birds with a safe electric impulse with a voltage of approximately 5,000 Volts and an individual impulse energy of a maximum of 0,7 Joule. These scare the birds intending to land and effectively prevent them from returning.

To install a complex electric barrier set, the individual steel rods (electrodes) are conductively connected by stainless steel springs. The rods are subsequently connected to a pulsed electric source with a connecting cable.

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Gutter electric barrier

The gutter electric barrier is designed to prevent birds from landing on the edge of the gutter. Integrated fixing bands are flexible, we bend them around the edge of the gutter to secure the barrier to the desired place. The steel rods (electrodes) are inserted into isolators at the ends of the carrier rods and they are subsequently connected to a pulsed electric source.

Electric barrier DUO

The DUO barrier is designed to prevent birds from landing on window sills, ledges, and other types of straight or bent surfaces. The steel rods (electrodes) are inserted into isolators at the ends of the carrier rods and they are subsequently connected to a pulsed electric source.

Electric barrier COMPLETE

The COMPLETE barrier is designed to prevent birds from landing on window sills, ledges or other straight surfaces for which the shape of DUO barrier is not suitable. The steel rods (electrodes) are inserted into plastic holders (isolators) which are glued or screwed on the underlying surface. The rods are subsequently connected to a pulsed electric source.

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