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Sparrows are a common species everywhere around the world, whether we talk about warmer or colder regions.
Sparrows move in flocks, fly mostly in the crowns of trees and bushes, and often perch on walls. They do not even disdain the nests of storks, swallows, or martlets. These small birds are an integral part of villages and urban districts and their chirping echoes from all directions.
Sparrows stay close to humans because they provide them with ideal conditions to nest safely. They build their nests in sheltered spaces of the houses, most often on facades or in gutters. In populated areas, they have plenty of food crumbs, and in gardens fruit trees and pests. They feed mainly on plant food, mealy and oily seeds, young vegetable plants, or fruit tree sprouts. At the time of nesting, they look for insects to feed their young ones. To help their digestion, they peck at sand.
Just like pigeons, thrushes, and starlings, sparrows can make quite a mess and damage your property. Their droppings get almost everywhere – on railings, tiles, windows, shutters, ledges, window sills, and patios. Such pollution contaminates food and soil and thus endangers human health. In addition to that, other pests and insects also appear in their nests.
If sparrows are overpopulated, they will consume everything in their path, including fruit and vegetable crops. They are feared by the inhabitants of apartments and houses, but also by gardeners, foresters, and farmers. People are trying to do everything to get rid of them. Some people destroy their nests, unknowing of the fact that they might be fined for such behavior. Sparrows belong to the protected species.
There are many more ecological ways of deterring sparrows, without hurting them. One of the possibilities is to place a traditional scarecrow in your garden. However, it is just a temporary solution. Even if it looks like an effective trick that works, the sparrows get used to it over time and the passive motionless dummy does not fool them. In case they are in a flock, their fear is even smaller. Sometimes, sparkling objects or objects making unpleasant scary sounds can help. Nevertheless, not everyone wants to have décor like this on their house.
The most effective and at the same time most aesthetic solutions are mechanical barriers, more specifically spike barriers. Stainless steel barriers in the form of spikes are the most commonly used barriers. They are used to protect facades, gutters, joists, or any other straight surfaces. They effectively prevent birds from entering the protected space, building nests, and accumulating droppings.