Bird Spike Barriers

Najúčinnejšie mechanické zábrany, ktoré znemožňujú vtákom sedieť a hniezdiť na miestach ako okenné rímsy a parapety, trámy, balkóny, zábradlia, odkvapy či strechy.

This reliable method of protection against birds is effective and financially undemanding. The spikes and their carrier belts are completely made of stainless steel by the three-point resistance welding method. This way we can guarantee an impeccable quality and thanks to the weld strength also a remarkable lifespan of the whole barrier. We offer a whole range of spike barriers; you can choose the one suitable for you based on the type of the birds or the place of installation. The barriers in our offer are easy to install.

Check out our products

1-row spike barrier

The barrier with 1 row of spikes against birds is designed to protect narrow spaces (the protected width is up to 6 cm). It is suitable mainly for the protection of consoles and joists. It effectively protects narrow unobstructed spaces as well as narrow spaces closed on one side.

2-row spike barrier

The barrier with 2 rows of spikes against birds is designed to protect wider spaces (the protected width is up to 12 cm). It is suitable mainly for the protection of consoles, joists, narrow window sills, and gutters. It can be installed in one or more rows on wider surfaces. It effectively protects unobstructed spaces and spaces closed on one side.

4-row spike barrier

The barrier with 4 rows of spikes against birds is designed for wide spaces (the protected width is up to 22 cm). It is suitable mainly for the protection of wider consoles, joists, window sills, and gutters. It can be installed in one or more rows on wide surfaces. It effectively protects unobstructed spaces and spaces closed on one side (a surface width of at least 14 cm).

4-row spikes barrier against swallows

The swallow barriers are designed to be installed on the wall a couple of centimeters under the horizontal surface (soffit or ceiling construction). It effectively prevents swallows and whitetails from nesting in the protected space.

Gutter spike barrier

The gutter barriers are specifically designed to protect the gutters and prevent the birds from landing and nesting inside them and on the gutter edge. The barriers can be fixed around the edge of the gutter by bending, using the perforated flexible fixing tapes.

Solar panel spike barrier

The solar panel barriers prevent birds from hiding and nesting under the solar modules. Their nesting under the solar modules reduces air circulation under the panels and thus causes their overheating, which causes lower effeciency of the photovoltaic system. In this category, there are 1-row barriers with fixed or flexible spikes (the length of the spikes can be adjusted as required during installation).


Effective and at the same time considerate protection. The design with several rows of spikes creates an effective barrier against landing birds while not hurting them in any way. The installation is very simple – it takes 1 – 2 minutes to assemble one segment (33 cm) and you don’t need any tools.

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