Ultrasonic Deterrent

An advanced ultrasonic deterrent designed to effectively repel birds, mice, rats, martens, weasels, and larger animals such as deer and wild boar.


SKU: N/A Category:
30 years
in business
in EU

Developed at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, this ultrasonic deterrent features a unique signal generator with a microprocessor-controlled circuit. It emits a specially modulated sinusoidal ultrasonic signal with gradually varying frequencies and random jumps, preventing pests from becoming accustomed to the sound. The frequency range is optimized for each type of pest and remains above the threshold of human hearing.

  • 18 – 23 kHz: Designed to deter birds.
  • 24 – 30 kHz: Effective against rodents and martens.
  • 21 – 26 kHz: Targets larger wild animals.

The deterrent can be powered by 4 AA batteries, a 12V AC adapter, or a car battery for flexible and reliable operation.

Weight1 kg
Akustický výkon

113,8 dB ±5%